Letters to the Editor of October 27, 2022

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With reference to the news report ‘Leveraging excess SLR securities remains a challenge for banks’ (Oct 27), with the pick-up in economic activities there is now greater demand for bank credit.

However, bank deposits are not growing in sync with credit demand. Instead of redeeming excess investments sitting in the legal liquidity ratio at an unprofitable price, banks must raise the interest rate on their deposit products to attract retail depositors.

Banks must speed up loan recovery. In the case of new deposits, the banks have to provide SLR and CRR and obtain the net amount for loans, while the making of loans and advances is free from those stipulations.

Banks should also look to obtain refinancing from Development Finance Institutions at lower rates.

VSK Pillai


Legislation and regulation

Referring to the article, “Online Gaming: Better Regulation Is the Answer,” (Oct. 27), many social activists and government officials believe that online gaming is addictive in nature and leads to debt when played with monetary stakes. growing and even suicides. .

Online games are susceptible to manipulation by the websites that operate such games against other players. Regulation of online gaming may be a better solution than an outright ban. Realizing the potential of the online gaming sector, State and Union governments should work together in consultation with industry stakeholders to develop guidelines.

P Sundara Pandian

Virudhunagar (TN)

Speaking of ‘Online Gaming: Better Regulation Is the Answer’, it is virtually impossible to stop online gaming when technology is rapidly evolving to overcome any bans the authorities may put in place. Therefore, they must be regulated to a minimum.

There is a fine line between games of skill and games of chance. Only a lottery could unhesitatingly be called a game of pure chance. All other forms of play will have an element of skill. Gambling is a human flaw and people will always indulge in it. Online games have successfully disguised gambling and made it acceptable without the blame. Governments should not act as a moral watchdog and can use it as a legitimate avenue to raise revenue.

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Vote Bank Policy

It is unbelievable to learn of the demand from Party convener Aam Aadmi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal that the Center should print images of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on new banknotes to bring “economic prosperity to Rs 130 crore Indians seeking the blessings of the Hindu gods”. and goddesses.”

Why “play with fire” by bringing up such stupid and emotional issues with an eye on Hindu votes in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat elections?

Let enlightened voters in both states teach him a lesson for deliberately playing such dirty politics.

Vinayak G

New Delhi

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