The magical world of Pokemon premiered on April 1, 1997, introducing people to pocket monsters for the first time. Time Pokemon The games having been introduced the year before, it was the anime that really allowed the likes of Pikachu, Gengar, and even Team Rocket to become a pop culture phenomenon. The anime allowed people to watch 10-year-old Ash Ketchum embark on the adventure of a lifetime, travel to strange lands, face insurmountable dangers, and take one step closer to fulfilling his dream of becoming a Pokémon master.
After 25 years, and countless jokes about the boy who never ages, his dream finally came true in November 2022, with fans rejoicing after two decades of watching Ash’s journey. Shortly after, The Pokémon Company announced a new animated series, which will follow the adventures of dual leads Liko and Roy, set to premiere in 2023. It truly is the end of an era as the kid from Pallet Town, who saved the world countless times. , will no longer be on our screens.
Since the announcement, there hasn’t been anything else about the revealed characters, but that doesn’t stop fans from speculating about the characters. One of the main discussions on Reddit about the new characters is whether or not Liko is Ash’s daughter, as fans have been quick to assume The Pokemon Company would want to keep things family-friendly. Of course, that raises the question of, “If Ash is the father, who is the mother?” The carriers have their guesses, providing enough “proof” to make anyone wonder.
Evidence that Liko is Ash’s daughter
Ash’s character went through many design changes during the show’s run, but his first design remains the most iconic aspect of the character. His trademark red and white baseball cap with a green emblem on the front. In the trailer for the new series, Liko is seen with a pin in her hair that matches the symbol on Ash’s original hat. The symbol just stands for league, like in the Pokemon League, but fans are speculating that it’s a way to show that Ash and Liko are related.
Liko also wears a green necklace, which many fans speculate is a Thunder Stone. In the first season, “Electric Shock Showdown” episode 14, Pikachu faced Lt. Surge’s Raichu and lost the battle. After being given a thunder stone to turn Pikachu into a Raichu, Ash offers the stone to Pikachu, but he flatly refused and became strong enough as Pikachu to defeat Lieutenant Surge’s Raichu. Fans speculate that Liko wears the Thunder Stone around her neck as a reminder to never give up in battle. Of course, the green necklace could just be a green necklace and has nothing to do with a Thunder Stone.
If she is Ash’s daughter, who is the mother?

During Ash and Pikachu’s 25-year journey, Ash has had 17 companions, 11 of whom have been female. Those numbers exclude any temporary partners he’s ever had for a movie or a single episode. Of those 11, there have been hints of a romance between some of the young women.

The first girl to win Ash’s heart had to be Misty, his first companion and friend on his journey. The redheaded fighter always kept Ash on his toes and Misty’s thoughts are always on her mind throughout her journey. While Ash and Misty are a popular ship with fans, her beautiful green eyes and orange hair probably rule her out as a mother to her. Due to the close friendship between her and Ash, fans on Reddit are holding out hope for her union.

Dawn traveled with Ash and Brock in the Sinnoh region and quickly became a fan-favorite character. She is a carefree girl who dreams of becoming a Pokémon coordinator. The earlier version of Dawn resembled Liko’s style, with blue hair and eyes, but Dawn’s appearance was later changed by the creators to have steel gray hair and eyes.

Besides Misty, the most popular ship for Ash is Serena, the girl who fell in love with the boy from Pallet Town when she was still a little girl. After Ash helped her, Serena found him years later to thank him for her kindness. Serena has blonde hair and bright blue eyes and happens to be the only one of her escorts who kisses him on the lips. Serena’s face resembles Liko’s more than the other two contenders, but there isn’t much concrete evidence.
If, and that’s a great IF, Liko turns out to be Ash’s daughter, there’s a very real possibility that the identity of the mother may never be discovered by the fanbase. In fact, while Ash’s mother Delia appears frequently in the series, her father has been a mystery for 25 years. Like its predecessor, the new anime may leave the audience guessing for another 25 years.