After being lucky enough to accidentally receive two steam decksone Reddit user took the honest route of leaving Valve know about the mail mishap and returned the second device. Usually, that would be the end of the story, but the manufacturer saw fit to reward his gesture in kind.
Apparently, Valve initially sent the Steam Deck to a location with the same address as Redditor NDAdrianM, but it turned out to be in a completely different province. D’oh. Once Valve was informed, a second copy was sent out and the matter was deemed resolved.
The initial order returned a message that the shipment had failed and the package would be returned to the sender. When a Steam Deck arrived at NDAdrianM’s house a few days later, they thought nothing of it. They did what any self-respecting gamer would do in that situation: they popped in a 1TB SSD and started playing.
Then, when another Steam Deck appeared on their doorstep, they realized that the first order hadn’t been returned to sender: it had come to them. To quote Neimoidian political luminary Nute Gunray: “This is getting out of hand. Now, there are two of them!
Many people in this situation would be tempted to keep quiet and see if Valve catches on. However, not NDAdrianM. Despite learning from Reddit that they “didn’t have a legal responsibility to return the deck to Valve,” they decided to “let Valve know anyway and return it.” [Valve] He sent me a shipping label and I sent it.”
But the stoy did not end there. Once he received proof of shipment, Valve sent NDAdrianM a free copy of Hogwarts Legacy to enjoy on his new handheld. The Redditor praised the company, saying, “Valve is amazing and I love supporting this company and their great customer service.”
If this heartwarming story has made you think about picking up your favorite handheld again, check out our list of the best Steam Deck games. Or take a look at our guide to the best Steam Deck accessories if you’re looking to upgrade your portable powerhouse.
Harry Potter series creator JK Rowling has made a number of transphobic comments on social media in recent years. Warner Bros. has the license to make games based on Harry Potter. While the details of that deal are not publicly known, and WB Games says that “JK Rowling is not directly involved in the creation of the game,” it is likely that, as the creator and owner of the Harry Potter intellectual property, she will earn royalties from your sales. If she would like to learn more about transgender equality or lend her support, here are two important charities we encourage you to check out: the National Center for Transgender Equality in the United States, and mermaids in the United Kingdom.